Since buying a car entails a big expenditure and a major monetary decision, it is advisable to do a little bit of research work and keep some commonsensical things in mind rather than regretting later. Let’s zoom on…
Don’t go with a preconceived notion for or against a particular car and better go for buying a car with an open mind after considering all the pros and cons of the car (technical specifications, mileage etc.). With loads of reliable information available, you should first go for a virtual car shopping which help you in taking an informed buying decision
Equally important is the priority factor, whether you want great pick up or high mileage. Also keep other factors in your mind such as the size of your family and the seating capacity of the car.
If you are buying a car by availing a car loan then decide what is the maximum EMI that you can afford on your present income
Once you have zeroed on the car you want to buy, it is time to negotiate the price. Carry out a survey of different dealers to see if you can get a better price. It is quite possible that some dealers may have a special offer on the model you desire
Before finalizing the deal, always take a test drive to get the feel of the car. Make sure that you are comfortable and satisfied with the car. Check that there is enough leg space, luggage space, steering is not too heavy et al. Finalising the deal and signing the paperwork: As buyer of the car you need to ensure that all the legal forms should be filled in completely and submitted to the right authorities. You have to register the car with the Regional Transport Office. Following documents are required to be submitted to the RTO:
- Application for new car registration or Form 20
- Photocopy of the invoice, insurance policy, ration card or telephone bill as proof of address.
- Original Sale Certificate or Form No 23, Sales Tax Receipt, Octroi Receipt
- Pollution Under Control Certificate from the manufacturer or Form No 22
- Letter from the financier, in case you have taken a loan to purchase a car, addressed to the RTO asking them to endorse their lien on your car registration certificate book or Form No 34
- Your PAN number
- Imprint of your car's Chassis Number
It is always better to go for a used car if you are a greenhorn and have just learnt driving. This way you can refine your driving skills and gain the necessary confidence before investing a substantial amount on new car. Also you can afford a luxury model in relatively less price. But buying a used car has a few downsides too. Used cars have higher maintenance cost as compared to new cars So it is always advisable to go for an expertise advice and a thorough inspection by an experienced mechanic before purchasing. The engine, chasis, tyre and battery condition, air conditioning are the must to consider before buying. The most important advice is a test drive which will help you arrive at the decision whether the car is fit for you or not. Please ensure that the paperwork is in order so as to avoid any fraudulent.
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